Friends in Christ,

Sunday March 15,2020 is going to be an Historic Day in Worship.  President Trump declared it as a National Day of Prayer considering the Coronavirus pandemic.  It is a historic day because most people will be at home and not attending church in person.  However, many churches will be live streaming their services.  This has never happened in the history of our world.  Wikipedia estimates that there are approximately 167 Million Christian Adults in the United States.  Can you imagine all 167 Million plus their children watching a streamed service tomorrow?  I pray that this will show that nothing will stop us from worshipping and praying.

Many of you may not know me or my company, however I am a Christian and want to let you know that you have a resource to help you during this transition from mostly having people attending to church in person, to now scrambling to stream to them.

What a blessing that we get to experience something that never would have been possible without the technology we have today.  With what is happening today in our world I believe that this may not be the only time this will occur, but I pray that it is.  For those of you who may not have the technology to stream or need help with improving your stream we are here to serve you.

I will be in prayer tomorrow with the rest of the 167 Million Christians.  I will be praying for guidance for our government and doctors, healing for the sick, peace and comfort to the ones who lost loved ones, and calmness to prevail over everyone.

Kristen Tetherton
President of Triton Technology Solutions, Inc.